Streamline your B2B Lead Generation

For the first half of 2023, the market has been dominated by AI support, influential marketing, and user-generated content. However, with the explosion of new trends and technologies, the market has constantly evolved every year. What worked this year may no longer have the same impact next year, so reevaluating your strategies to generate leads and engage with new and current buyers is vital to your success. This is especially the case for B2B (Business-to-Business) lead generation. 

Finding suitable B2B sales leads is quite challenging, given that the market is very competitive. However, with the right strategies tailored to your target audience and fit your brand capacity, you can generate more leads that will increase sales. 

Here are a few B2B Tips for Lead Generation: 

Improve key pages. 

People’s first impressions will either make or break a deal. This is why improving your key pages, especially your website’s landing page, is crucial. Tweaking your landing page by adding elements and items that contain critical information about your business, such as: 

  • Powerful headline 

  • Call-to-Action (CTA) 

  • Social Proof/Testimonials 

  • Live chat function (if applicable) 

Try running several tests on your key pages to identify which format and layout works the best for you and gets the most engagement. You cannot expect the first one always to work as effectively as you want. Expect to do several tests and changes. It is also important to note that your buyers want to know other people’s opinions about your offers. This is where having a social proof/testimonials page will be very beneficial for you to gain people’s trust and prove that you can form worthwhile partnerships. 

Leverage your content campaign. 

Creating content must already be a walk in the park for most people since the growth of the digital marketing landscape. But creating content alone is not enough; content must be worth your buyers’ attention. Your audiences will most likely be familiar with how content is used to lure in customers, so planning your content is vital. 

Analyze what your buyers would like to see, which typically includes case studies, research, published reports, etc., that are factual and informative. With this, you are not only sharing relevant information that is useful to them but also establishing your knowledge and expertise. Repurposing old content is also viable as long as they still fit the demands and trends of the current market. 

In late 2022, OpenAI launched ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot that people have claimed to be the tool that will revolutionize content marketing. While it is a useful tool to generate content faster, we do not advise completely relying on this tool to create content for your business. Content generated by ChatGPT should still be subjected to reviews and analysis. Its content still needs to be polished according to your brand’s identity. That can be a real solution if you have the time to edit, customize, and fact-check.   

Sample of content generated using ChatGPT

But time is just as valuable as money, so you have to ask yourself if you should focus on creating content instead of nurturing relationships. It may still be worth working with a content creator so that you can focus on sales, especially if you want to produce more authentic content that will capture human empathy and emotions.  

Another important thing is using the right keywords to improve your SEO. Instead of using common general words, provide more specific keywords relevant to your content and business. This will help boost your page on search engines, generating more engagements and leads. 

Focus your social media efforts on B2B platforms. 

While recent years have seen a rise in e-commerce platforms, LinkedIn should still be your go-to for B2B since it is solely a platform for professional networking. According to LinkedIn, over 65 million decision-makers and 57 companies are active on their platform to seek possible partnerships. In addition, 40% of B2B marketers indicated LinkedIn as the most effective channel for driving high-quality leads, making this the number one B2B lead generation platform.

As a platform, LinkedIn offers a variety of tools at your disposal to improve your campaign and hyper-target prospects based on your desired demographics. However, going through several emails every morning, although simple, is still time-consuming. This is why automation of simple tasks is crucial for long-term success.

Your goal with platforms like LinkedIn is to make the introduction and get someone to a meeting so that you can explore a working relationship. Products like Castanet allow you to sync to your LinkedIn profile and connect you to over 400 high-quality B2B leads each month while providing automated follow-up messages to keep the conversation going. You can build a prospect list in 5 minutes, create automated messages in 10 minutes, and have time to focus on your other business priorities. Contact us, and let’s work on your LinkedIn automated solutions.

Offer free tool. 

Everybody, including B2B representatives, like free stuff. Providing them with free tools, such as a detailed analytics report, free CRM, trial software, etc., showcasing your business’s offers will encourage them to engage more with you. Offering these free tools or services will give them a trial that they can test to evaluate whether your services will benefit them. Add Calls-to-Action (CTA) on your key pages to direct your visitors to these free tools to boost engagement. Here are some common CTA to get people to click: 

  1. Book my demo 

  2. Start your free trial 

  3. Sign me up to free (tool) 

  4. View our products and services 

  5. Claim your free (tool) and see instant results 

  6. Don’t miss out on this exclusive offer 

Through this, you can boost referrals to your business and actively “show” your capabilities instead of just “telling” them what you can do. This strategy has been proven effective for several known companies and is something you might want to invest in. 

You might also try offering free consultations instead of tools by participating in various Q&A Forums. Answering questions with detailed and correct answers in Quora and other forums will increase trust and loyalty. After answering a question, link to your pages to convert viewers into leads. 


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